Everything You Wanted to Know About Double Glazed Sash Windows
What are the benefits of double sash windows?
One of the main benefits of double sash windows is energy efficiency. As houses get older, all of the parts of them age and deteriorate as well. In an older home you begin to replace things, like ageing flooring or furnaces. Your windows should be no different. Older sash windows allow for draughts to enter your house and the inner heat to get out. As you raise your heat to try and make up for this difference, your energy bill will rise as well. Double glazed windows insulate your house and prevent this escape of heat.
Double glazed sash windows also protect your home from the outside elements. As single pane windows age, they deteriorate and become less effective. This allows the elements to come into your home. From rain to sleet and snow, ageing windows will permit these elements into your house. A double glazed window is a double seal against this. The double glaze of new windows also prevents condensation from getting into the frame itself, and slows the ageing process that weakens windows. Your windows will not only be new, they will stay new and secure longer than standard single glaze windows could.
Double glazed windows also keep noise and people out. A double glazed window keeps the sounds of the street from disrupting the quiet of your home. The cushion of air between the two panes is a sound insulator. Your house will be noticeably quieter once your new windows are installed. On top of this, double pane windows lower theft. It is more difficult for a potential thief to break into your house because double glazed windows are modernised with multiple locking technology. Your house will be better protected at your window, which is a known weak point to potential thieves.
Why should I get double glazed sash windows?
Double glazed sash windows will benefit your family and your home. From lowering your heating bill to protecting your property, double glazed windows are exactly what your home needs. On top of that, double glazed sash windows can be installed in your existing single pane sash window. As long as your existing window has a 1.5 inch thick frame, it is a candidate for restoration. If your old frame is of the right thickness and in good condition, you can save money by conserving and reusing your frame. Existing frame in poor condition? Don’t worry, you can still replace that window.
If the existing window frame isn’t thick enough to support a double glazed sash window, that’s okay. Double glazed sash windows can be manufactured and installed where your current window is, with a brand-new frame. Tailored to the exact size and shape needed.
If your existing sash window is in good shape, you can save money and double glaze the already existing window. This lessens the time it will take to replace your window, lowers the cost, and provides the best quality windows to you. Protect your home, your family, and save your money by installing double glazed sash windows today!